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📁 05-24

May 1, 2024



I would rather make products than do product review videos or how to videos.

Monetizing anything to do with this website seems like another dead end. So I don’t plan to do that. I’ve had a drive to design and build stuff since a lot of years ago. I’d like to do more of that.

I also pledge to stay weird

May 3, 2024

Chris Schammert


XKCD comic shown originates from 🔗here.

For those that don’t know, there is another Chris Schammert. From my chat with ChatGPT (I know..) the most likely way a family can jump ship and become another family is through a court of law (name change–usually requires a good reason). That whole ‘branch’ of the family name is missing much of the address history one would find while searching for a 33-39 year old adult. I was suspicious of another Chris Schammert back in 2009, but that was when I thought they were a cluster of fake Facebook accounts. When I saw the property deeds late 2023 was when I realized they were for real.

Zero hubris, because they feel protected. I have a feeling that empathy is something they learned to mimic too. They’re the kind to use empathy against others, so watch out for that. Anything and everything to maintain a smile, including using their own (if they even have children) as props–like they’re in a movie. I imagine they also possess real world psychological problems with their own self manifested 🔗borderline personality disorder(s).

Unsolicited book recommendation on the subject: 🔗Ten Things I Hate About Me by Joe Tracini (cocaine addiction, etc. warning)

We sign up for stuff, rent apartments, or share a family home. And of course, that is recorded by the internet. It builds up overtime, and becomes public record. It’s not typical for insurance fraud to go unchecked for that many years, with that many people. And it’s not typical for there to be vast chunks of time missing from a person’s public record. Also, the Schammert name got its start in the mid-west (Chicago, IL). Why live in the U.S. mid-west that far away from ‘blood relatives’? With children to look after as well? I knew something smelled funny. Like a droopy sagging diaper that needs to be changed.

Duplicate names of several real Schammerts going by public records. This typically does not happen in small families without the family sharing that like a serving of sausage and sauerkraut. Why an Anglo-Saxon male would use a two letter abbreviation for his first name is beyond my comprehension.

Yea, and this’s where it gets real complicated really fast. I’m some poor dumb single dope living in the family’s basement, so they’re not worried about me. They shouldn’t be worried about me. Actually, if it wasn’t for my two years experience as a US rater and multiple years of showing an aptitude for relying on concrete evidence via these blog posts, they might have been able to convince the public that I am just some conspiracy theory nut. But hey, they have funding for attorneys, and I do not. I’m the least of their worries right?

An attorney can take the time to call courts until eventually they find which court issued the last name change. Or distribution of court issued name changes (if that applies to the specific case). So if this is happening to you too, and you have the coin, you can build a case without too much fanfare. Though I’d imagine a court case of this scope would take a while.

Why did this all happen in the first place? I have no idea. Probably the same reason that microphone was (likely) deliberately left on a folding table at the upper level of the Isle of Capri Casino back in 2009. And this ‘situation’ has nothing to do with the late 🔗Bernard Goldstein. Probably the work of a very petty and narrow focused individual. Someone that probably calls South Florida their home (or one of their homes).

That’s roughly all I can say (legally) about the subject.

Now if you’ll excuse me from the table–I have some coffee to sip elsewhere.

Good faith edit - If you have proof that I am wrong about the topic of this blog post, please feel free to reach out. I will retract the post, issue an apology, and refrain from speaking on the subject in the future. By proof I mean credible proof. Thank you

May 15, 2024

The Courage To Close One’s Eyes (Part 2)


Used Nike cleats that were a little too small, boat salesman sponsor on the hat, nervous hat bending, and another life time (1996)

I thought my meaning behind Part 1 was about as obvious as I could make it without saying it outright. When it’s time for me to go, will I have the courage to close my eyes? So that no one will have to close them for me.

I believe I will. Whether or not random audience members of this blog believe me is not something that concerns me at the moment.

Bunting was my specialty for some reason. Batting average was like 222? If by chance I won’t give up the tradition of passing down baseball, but boy is it hard to watch the games without cable TV. Dude, $200+ a month for thousands of hours of programming I’m not going to watch? Why you do this baseball? Go watch a Cubs game for me. Have a beer or something. I don’t drink, but that doesn’t mean you can’t.

Tried pitching once. I nearly beamed the first batter up. Coach said nope, and I agreed.

Still AI Wrangling as best I can. A little bit everyday. Though it’s very true that I couldn’t afford a bed at a hostel, I can at least keep pushing forward. So grateful for that one Wired Magazine article that outlined the ways to work from home without a degree. I’m also still very thankful to those that believe in me. Thank you for being you.

May 17, 2024

Power Metal


Bejeweled. Now what?

Some of the greatest bards of our era are power metalists. The very alchemists known to fix soul leakage. The crown shown above is mostly for shock value. I made it with some sweet cardstock, some off the shelf gold-like foil, and a few polycarbonate jewels. Pretty sweet eh?

To be clear, the image above is to provide support for our new overlords. To ensure that I’ll be eternally favored when they cast The Eye of Judgement spell. Perhaps I’ll be an algae scrubber. Dude, I would scrub some algae. Hopefully they’ll let me wear Crocs. Love that toe bumper protection. Kick-it in 4X4 too. Staying safe out here. Why folks bejewel your Crocs though? I bet it’s secretly for the weight distribution huh? Yup, I knew it. I have a Morton’s toe. I know what it’s like to realign the Crocs to pull my toe back into them. I see you bejeweled Croc folks. Slight ninja flick of the ankle and bam the Crocs are realigned. Didn’t even have to kick-it into 4X4 huh? Nice. You modified your EVA foam foot enclosures, and I’m not even mad. Frankly, I’m quite impressed with the flair too. Get it Crocs fam.

I’m not gonna lie, the emoji sidebar is beginning to get into my head. It’s like the 🔗Emojipedia threw up on to my sidebar. Is there an MS Word for web authoring? Asking for a friend..

I know I said HTML5 & CSS before. I know. How do people even sign up for those coding bootcamps? There’s probably some snacks around here. I bet The Computer Chronicles would know what to do. Only one way to find out. Gotta watch it. Gotta watch the Computer Chronicles. For the science. For the love. For the 🔗pastamancers. May the sauce be with you.